IFD Intensive Fieldbus Diagnostics

Strengthening the digital backbone of your mobile power machines.

Mobi­le power machi­nes are incre­asing­ly auto­no­mous, clo­se­ly net­work­ed and ever more com­plex in terms of con­trol sys­tem sen­sors and actua­tors. The tech­ni­cal basis for net­wor­king is, in many cases, the pro­ven CAN bus. Which also ser­ves as the plat­form for sys­tems such as SAE J1939, ISOBUS, NMEA2000 and CANopen.
The ongo­ing expan­si­on of con­trol sys­tems means that CAN moni­to­ring and con­trol are of gre­at importance for machi­ne avai­la­bi­li­ty at the phy­si­cal level.

Why signal quality deserves your attention.

We help tech­ni­ci­ans and engi­neers to deve­lop a more sta­ble CAN bus, and in this way to rai­se the avai­la­bi­li­ty of your machines.

How good is the signal quality on your machine?

Find out for yours­elf, and take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to put our CAN­touch device to the test.

We would be glad to pro­vi­de a CAN­touch device on loan – free of char­ge – for 5 days to enable you to mea­su­re and test your indi­vi­du­al machine.